Customer satisfaction survey 2010: The results
In today’s competitive environment customers are increasingly demanding. As a result, the relation to the customer has become increasingly consultative, intensive and challenging. Furthermore, products are more exchangeable and a noticeable differentiation can often only be achieved by flexibility and service mentality.
Rhein. S.Q.M. is wholly committed to providing superior customer service and is constantly evaluating and improving its processes. Customer satisfaction is quantified in various ways. We do not emphasize different methods of market research but rather act according to Rhein S.Q.M.’s hands-on-approach principle: “We do not list problems – we solve them!”. Rhein S.Q.M. uses a problem-based approach. We do not rest on positive results, constant improvement is our mandate!
Compared to the rest of the branch, our customers gave a noticably large amount of “soft-fact” feedback via e-mail or in personal conversation. Moreover, customers were actively asked to judge our performance by a questionnaire. Questions were answered on a scale between 1 (=very good) and 5 (=inadequate).
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