Materials Handling
Materials handling technology is part of mechanical engineering and deals with the conception, design, planning and execution of materials handling equipment. This includes first of all the actual technology (“conveying equipment”, such as cranes or forklifts), but also the process design during the operation of plants. Overall the field of materials handling includes all transport, handling and storage tasks or processes, both in technical and economic terms.
A focus on quality management in the field of materials handling is indispensable in order to meet the requirements of legislators and authorities (e.g. with regard to safety) and customers (with regard to effectiveness, maintainability and efficiency) and on the international market on a permanent and sustainable basis.
When we talk to our customers about quality management for materials handling they often focus, in particular, on the following standards and topics:
- ISO 9001
- ISO 14001 / EMAS
- ISO 50001
- ISO 45001
- DIN ISO / IEC 27001
- IMS / St. Gallener Modell / EFQM
- FMEA-Workshop
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